A lot can happen in a week: A canceled trip, a friend’s visit, and a chat with demons

What a week! It was Mardi Gras in New Orleans, and my time off from school quickly turned from tragedy to triumph. It started with devastating canceled plans to jump in a pile of snow visiting my cousin Emily in Washington and ended up being redeemed by my friend Ryan's visit (insert starry eyes emoji … Continue reading A lot can happen in a week: A canceled trip, a friend’s visit, and a chat with demons

Report: Hillary Clinton was the mastermind behind the Trump-Russia collusion hoax — WINTERY KNIGHT

I cannot keep up with the articles on the Durham probe, which is about the origins of the now-discredited Trump-Russia collusion narrative. You’ll recall that far-left Democrat Robert Mueller investigated Trump for 2 years, and found nothing. Then U.S. Attorney John Durham investigated the origins of the false collusion narrative. Unlike Mueller, he’s finding a […]Report: … Continue reading Report: Hillary Clinton was the mastermind behind the Trump-Russia collusion hoax — WINTERY KNIGHT

Freedom Convoy — Cat Rotator’s Quarterly

https://www.youtube.com/embed/zSMEa2Ox2LE?version=3&rel=1&showsearch=0&showinfo=1&iv_load_policy=1&fs=1&hl=en&autohide=2&wmode=transparent I try to avoid politics here, but dang it. The more I watch of the Canadian convoys rolling toward Ottawa to protest the vaccine mandates, and all the people cheering the truckers and support people on, no matter what time of day or what weather . . . I’m choking up. This is probably … Continue reading Freedom Convoy — Cat Rotator’s Quarterly

“Then you have no fear any more. You’re completely free.” – V for Vendetta

Photo by Korhan Erdol on Pexels.com I worry. A lot. It’s one of the things God has worked on my heart the most, and the reality is that it is not as bad as it used to be. Yikes! Honestly, starting this blog made me think of David from “David’s Daily Dose” who I can … Continue reading “Then you have no fear any more. You’re completely free.” – V for Vendetta