When Love looks a lot like hate. Christians are the worst offenders… part 2

This post continues from ‘When Love looks a lot like hate. Christians are the worst offenders: part one’.

My last entry was written with this one being the main point but could only be explained with an unbeliever’s understanding first. I was certain of what I would write along with my intentions. I had it written out with corresponding scriptures, but could not quite finish it. Just like that, I started a whole new one.

I have prayed about this for weeks. This topic has been on my heart for much longer, but I no longer have the words through prayer and wise counsel. I can only explain through this story. The end is not what I wanted/ expected, but that is how God always works. His will must be done and not ours.

Current society hates God and anything that has to do with the real God and Jesus of the Bible. The devil has put delusions and lies out that says he is a God of love and has convinced people that if anyone is against someone’s “true self” they are hateful. We are to accept everyone however they are. The truth is we can love people and also show the truth.

A true believer knows what God says about sin and, out of love (with love being an action and not a feeling), warns them about the destruction ahead.

“Cut to the chase, Aimee…”

Someone I grew up with is becoming the opposite gender they were born, which is the closest I have ever been to this situation.  

When the transgender movement’s welcoming first came out a while back, I could not stop reading about it. To me, it was utterly mind-blowing, intriguing, and appalling. Nurses can lose jobs if they call a patient their “legal” gender instead of their “preferred” gender. Public places require “family”/ gender neutral restrooms. Men are allowed in women’s bathrooms, and women are allowed in men’s bathrooms.

Before I understood any of this, the person I know had been on my heart. They would pass my mind from time to time.

A few years ago, I went to the store and was having a sad day. I remember praying in the parking lot if I knew anyone inside I would give them a huge hug. Well, I walked into Target, and there this person was. I did give them a huge hug, and we talked for a few minutes. They didn’t even live here, from what I knew about them. They had moved out of state and recently come back.  

I had no idea they were even back home.

Flash forward from that encounter and somehow finding out they were in the process of this massive transformation. When I saw them, I realized they were going by a different name, but it was never mentioned to me that day.

Needless to say, I am completely heartbroken for them. The world sees them as brave and a hero for coming out and finally being their true self. As a Christian, I see them as completely broken and a lost individual who will not find peace in this outcome. 

I see them covering their hurt and sin with a mask instead of pulling out the root of it. Their only peace can come from Jesus, and their search for identity/their truth will never end. It cannot because our true worth and identity can only come from Christ. We are made whole only by Him.

“Judge not lest the be judged.” 

Is a known verse being tossed around by people wanting to live their truth.

God also says you will know them by their fruits and not judging or condemning them as Christians, but are warning them of their sin and its result. We are to speak the truth, and a true Christian does not condemn someone to hell for only God can do that. As Christians, we are warning someone of it. We can only tell the truth and lead them to Christ. A true Christian loves as Christ loves.  

All have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God, but a truly repentant person bears fruit and has turned from their wicked ways. God hates sin. He doesn’t hate the sinner. We can only tell them the road they are on is headed straight for destruction. He made us male or female in His image, and He does not make mistakes.  

Genesis 1.  

Romans 1 talks about the result of rejecting Him.

A few weeks ago, when I came back from Colorado, my dad and I went to the store. I was so excited because I kept hearing about this particular grocery store but, for some reason, never made the trip there. (Side note: this is a sign of aging when you get excited about a grocery store… ). ***It was 5 years old in Disney world level excited.***

Anyway, while checking out, I saw the person transforming themselves. I panicked, knowing all the things I just wrote and had been praying about.

Sadly, I did not even tell them hi and essentially ran from the situation. While I could have handled that better, I did not expect to see them. As soon as we walked out of the store I burst into tears. (Of course, my dad was completely confused, like ‘what now?!’).

  1. I ran from the situation.
  2. I was completely heartbroken for her.
  3. I wanted to speak the truth.
  4. Why didn’t I at least say hi or hug them (as I’m pretty sure they could use one)?
  5. I’ve been convicted lately of how many opportunities I miss to share the truth.
  6. I was heartbroken for her and then heartbroken how I ignored her. I ran from the situation, and my heart wanted to plead with her to repent and turn around.

(A lot was going on.)

My dad’s response while I was snot crying in the car: “I guess you won’t be going back there?”

I can always count on my dad.

Needless to say, ever since, I have been praying bout talking to them because I want to share God’s truth. I want to tell them how they have chosen a lie, and that is not who they are. I wanted to plead with them to really think about what they’re doing and run to Jesus as fast as they can. How do I know? How do I have the authority to tell someone that is not their truth? How do I have the nerve to tell someone how to live?

Because I have the truth, there can only be One, and I know Him. I have met Him, and this is not the way He created that person to be. He created everything good. He created us in His image. He created us either male or female. Genesis 1 tells us this. He created everything and saw that it was good. It was not until the fall, the exercising of free will, that sin came. The weight of that one act of disobedience has led to chaos. Satan has his rule over this world. He’s out to get the mind. He’s out to create the tiniest bit of doubt. He’s out to deceive, and if it were possible, he will even deceive the elect. This is why it’s so important for us to put on the armor and be aware of his games.

“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The same was in the beginning with God. All things were made by Him; and without him was not any thing made that was made. In Him was life; and the life was the light of men.”- John 1:1-4

Jesus is the light of the world.

I’ve agonized over this and have been praying about the fact that I want to talk to them.

This is where emotions vs obedience come in because this is not my battle. I would not be looking to speak to someone without God sending me. This person’s level of darkness is so clear that I would be the most hated individual, which isn’t bad, but only God could use me. This isn’t something I want to barge into someone’s life about.

I talked to a few very close God-fearing people about this because I was struggling so much, and they all had the same consensus: “unless someone asked me about something, I wouldn’t talk about it.”

“Don’t cast your pearls before swine”

“If they are already in the process of changing that much, then God already let them go (Romans 1). I can tell you that God already tried speaking to them long before they got to this point.”

So my previous well-thought-out, bible verse – footnote post has been scrapped. Not because of what others said, but because right now, this is the answer.

The ending of this one isn’t what I wanted or expected. I was all in ready to plead with them to repent. I was all in to tell them I’m only speaking truth in love and to beg them to please not mutilate the body God gave them. “You’ll hate me now but hopefully see one day that I love you. If I didn’t tell you, I wouldn’t be caring.”

Who is going to tell them the truth? If nobody else will, then maybe theres a reason I have to.

But, it’s not my battle. We are all given a chance … and even 1,000 chances.

If a man has one hundred sheep and one goes astray, He will leave the ninety-nine to find that ONE lost sheep. No matter how deep in the woods they are.  He fights for them.  He searches high and low and snatches them from the darkest places.

Not everything is meant to be fought, and He will never lose any of His sheep.

But, we must always be ready to answer the hope that is in us.

“Here I am, Lord. Send me.”

One thought on “When Love looks a lot like hate. Christians are the worst offenders… part 2

  1. spaceforagarden says:

    I agree 100% with this post. We are nit to judge unbelievers but we are there to show them love. By showing them the love of Jesus they will (hopefully) see that there’s a better way. If we treat them badly or judgmentally they will never listen to us.

    Liked by 1 person

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