Is Genesis History? Did the flood happen?

Is the earth millions of years old or a short 6,000 years?

I remember in school learning that the Grand Canyon was formed by water slowly over millions of years, and it never really made much sense to me, but I also did not pay that much attention. I was not much into science. However, I always believed in the great flood from Genesis between going to a Catholic school that at least taught basics and with my Christian dad.

However, knowing the biblical account and thinking about an actual catastrophic event of a worldwide flood and the hows and whys are different. I grew up in a Christian home and never thought twice about the bible being a fact, but then I grew up and learned how many people do not grow up the same as me or believe that! Not only do they not believe it, but they also have pure disdain for God and the teachings of the world, potentially being 6,000 years old.

My boyfriend Ryan did not grow up like me. I will not share his story here, but while I do not think he was a total atheist, he is a logical science thinker and needs facts. When we first met, we talked about God, and I mentioned Noah and the flood. He has said he believes God put us together because I am so sure of certain things and my faith. We have known each other since last September, and I have only prayed about his eyes being open. When I met him, I prayed and knew I did not have it in me to debate anyone anymore, and if meant to be in my life, God would work on him because I was out. He started reading and watching things about Genesis (on his own!) and even sent a screenshot of this youtube video he was watching yesterday. I looked it up and watched it, and it is perfect for his logical brain. Last night he told me a worldwide flood is what makes the most logical sense. He told me (too much) about why things did what they did and how things formed.

This video explains why a fast body of water made the Grand Canyon and other details of a world flood versus millions of years, but it is not dull! However, you will never hear this argument in current school systems because they are sold out to Satan and evolution, teaching the millions of years and taking God out of schools.

As Christians, it is essential to be able to defend ourselves and not get caught in a debate with no defense. American Christianity is weak and leaning toward evolution and selling out to the world’s education system. Now is not the time to be caught unaware. “Gird your loins” and be ready for battle. We do not wrestle against flesh and blood but against the principalities of the dark age (Ephesians 6).

We are to study and show ourselves approved. We are in scary times, and the world’s system is out to control the children and future generations. It starts with school curriculums, and if you can control and infiltrate the school systems and mold small minds to conform to your agenda via transgenderism, groom them to normalize sexualization and pedophiles at a young age, and have them grow up without God, you can destroy an entire functioning society and create an entire culture. It is why they bash homeschooling and make it difficult for homeschoolers to get by. They want you in THEIR system and worshipping THEIR God, the government.

It starts with negating a worldwide flood. If you are on the fence about such things, I beg you to pray for God’s revelation to open your eyes to HIS truth and not believe what you believe because it was taught for years. What if the world is only 6,000 years old and there was a worldwide flood? What if God is real and had a plan from the beginning?

I’ve seen the Grand Canyon (and went there by myself which is a whole other thing), and I believe it is a place everyone HAS to visit. It’s absolutely incredible to feel so small and see how great God is. “What is man that you are mindful of him?

What a year it has been!

So much (good) has happened since meeting Ryan, but especially our first year of marriage! I prayed for years for change and everything happened at once where life has been a nonstop adventure. For that, I am so thankful. Ryan and I celebrated our first wedding anniversary this past weekend and there is a video…

We drove until they shut the highway down

My blog. Hello, old friend… We have been so busy I don’t have time to condense my thoughts. There has been no time for mind marinating these days, but a season of working and living out my blog prayers. 😃 I don’t even know what day it is anymore, but recently we had a load going…

2 thoughts on “Is Genesis History? Did the flood happen?

  1. Richard L Rice says:

    If the beginning of the story of the Bible isn’t literal and historical, how can we expect anything else contained in its pages to be true?

    When my family goes to any kind of natural history museum, they usually leave me to myself. They know I’ll get into discussions with the employees about the fake and contrary “science” in the displays.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Aimee Elizabeth says:

      That would be my dad! 😂
      Nobody says anything …
      My dad: “in the beginning, God created … did you ever wonder how the Grand Canyon was formed …? “No” …cue: three hour lecture on salvation and then the flood.

      I was on the phone with Ryan last night and my dad walked in which basically means I went to work on my cabinet while they used scientific words for 2 hours.


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