Day 24: A Thankful Heart

Day 24 of being without my main job and “quarantined”.  That’s when my counting began.

I post a daily update (typically silly) on my Facebook page.

Day 3:
Day 8: “Cardio” aka a dance video to Mercy Me’s song “Shake”

Day 24:
“If you don’t know by now I am obsessed with Brent.

I wrote a blog post about how Jesus blindsided me with a Brent and is restoring my heart. I prayed so long for a season like this and it is better than I could imagine. Flash forward to this current uncertain situation where God already knew ahead of time He would provide Brent to give me a safe job and provide income for me. Not only that I love Brent’s family. They are some of the best people and his mom (who unfortunately for her is my BFF …haha…) cooks and has a garden filled with birds, butterflies, and make her own hummingbird food. My dad calls her my enabler. haha

It honestly blows my mind how God has taken care of and provided for me. He doesn’t miss a thing. It took a long time and lots of tears and waiting to only be blessed with God’s best for me. This is only the beginning of His plan and this season… as much as I am enjoying it… is preparing me for the next.

He is good. He is faithful. There’s only One True King. I am His and He is mine.

I am very blessed right now.  I do get anxious about “what if” and “what does all this mean” or “where is the world going” which is why it’s another blessing I have him right now.  He doesn’t worry about anything and I’d be a complete mess if left alone all day with my thoughts.

I am thankful for a dad who trusts Jesus and can put out my occasional emotional dumpster fires.

“Aimee, you can’t worry about what they’re (the government) doing.  They’re going to do what they’re going to do and you can’t control any of it.  The Lord told us these things would happen.  The apostles were all martyred. What makes us any different?”

My current repeat song is Jeremy Camp’s ‘Keep me in the moment‘.

“When I wake up in the morning, Lord, search my heart.
Don’t let me stray. I just wanna stay where you are.
All I got is one shot, one try, one go around in this beautiful life.
Nothing is wasted when everything’s placed in your hands.
Singing oh Lord, keep me in the moment…
Help me live with my eyes wide open ’cause I don’t wanna miss what you have for me.
Singing oh Lord, show me what matters
Throw away what I’m chasing after ’cause I don’t wanna miss what you have for meKeep me in the moment ’cause I don’t wanna miss what you have for me.”I am thankful for so much and especially my garden.


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